For Sale Original Porsche 912 With Sunroof

For Sale Original Porsche 912 With Sunroof Asking $33500, location in Washington, US. It's a classic Porsche 912 1969 model year, very good condition come in Blue color and Black leather with a sunroof by original Factory specs. This a rare original classic Porsche looking a ne owner.

Mileage: 13,465 Indicated (113, 465 miles )
Color: Factory Ossi Blue with Black interior
Engine: Matching rebuilt 912 4 cylinder
Trans: Matching 5spd manual
Options: Porsche COE verifying all options...Electric Sunroof, 5spd, 14 Fuchs wheel, Blaupunkt Franfurt, Foglights and more!
Condition: Very good original condition overall.


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